
Dear conference supporters and friends of the Gebser Society,

Each of our conferences is paid for entirely by the collective efforts and contributions of the Gebser Society and its friends.

Presenters typically require a nominal registration fee. When possible, we try to keep the conference free to the public, or at the very least, free to the host university’s students (as we did this year, 2018, at Naropa University).

Regardless, our annual conferences still cost us: between venue fees, daily refreshments such as coffee, tea and light snacks serving around 30 or so attendees, honorariums for keynote speakers and experiential workshops, and invoices for university staff who stay on to assist us with tech support and help each presentation run smoothly, we typically run up anywhere between $300-$700. Gebser Society fellows usually help to pitch in out of their own pockets to make everything happen smoothly, year-to-year.

Additionally, we accrue monthly fees for hosting the society’s listserv, the website and annual domain registration.

While this is all quite nominal for an academic conference, we’d like to emphasize that it is a collective effort to converge once a year, as we do, and create a phenomenal learning space to facilitate our community of artist-scholars and develop the efforts and future of an integral pedagogy.

Your donations and contributions, starting at a minimum of $45, help to reimburse the organizers of this year’s 2018 conference and offset any financial dues for the following year. They also help us improve the Gebser Society wherever possible, such as the possibility of adding virtual events (between the annual conferences), and better recording equipment.


2018’s Offering



This year the Gebser Society is pleased to partner with Revelore Press to offer a material gift for those donating at least $100 to the Gebser Society. Revelore, as a form of donation to the society, is graciously offering to pay for shipping costs until October 31st at midnight. At this tier, approximately $85 of the $100 donation will go to the Gebser Society and the rest will go to payment for the tote bag. Shipping begins in November 2018.

Gebser’s portrait, featured on the cover of the forthcoming book Seeing Through the World, was created by the fantastic artist Nina Bunjavec.

The composite image was edited by Revelore’s Jenn Zahrt and features a topological satellite photograph taken by NASA. Overlaid with each other, there is an emergent intensity of seeing through. We hope to see some of you bring your bags with you for the next Gebser conference!

Free shipping for tote bags at the $100 donation tier until October 31st at midnight.

(For PresentERS) $45 Presenter Registration Fee


(FOR EVERYONE) Enter your own donation amount ($45+)


Other Payment Methods:

Please make checks payable to:
Jeremy Johnson
With memo notation: “Jean Gebser Society”

Or directly via Paypal email: